Acrylic Viewing Panels
popular for private and commercial pools

acrylic viewing panels
Structural acrylic wall panels for swimming pools have become very popular for private and commercial pools. The size of the viewing panel has increased from a small window to a full length of the swimming pool wall. Acrylic pool walls are increasingly being used to enhance a pool into a show piece and a focal point of a house or hotel.
Acrylic floors and walls of a swimming pool extending out of the building provide a new dimension and excitement to the pool. The swimmers hovering at the end of a clear wall looking onto the street below are fascinated, as are the pedestrians looking up at them, through the clear acrylic floor of the pool.
An acrylic wall panel for an infinity edge swimming pool that overlooks the sea or a lagoon enhances the beauty of the pool, as it creates the appearance of no end, making the pool water and natural water seem as one.

a source of natural light
Hydrotech, in cooperation with its partners specialise in the design, manufacture and supply of premium structural acrylic view panels for swimming pools and aquariums. Our panels are engineered and structurally certified to relevant international standards and building codes. Sometimes a pool window is the only option to have natural light in a room. The transparency of the swimming pool water transports the light into adjacent rooms. Acrylic pool walls provide onlookers a clear window into the pool water and the swimmers within.

All acrylics are not the same. There are many inferior acrylic products in the market which deteriorate in time, turning the panels milky or yellow. Once the acrylic panels have deteriorated they cannot be repaired and must be removed and replaced. It is very important to choose the correct commercial grade acrylic sheets to save you money in the long run. Acrylic can come in a variety of different shapes, sizes,colours, textures and finishes.
Acrylic sheets can be cast in large block form up to 350mm thickness. There is no need to laminate sheets to obtain required structural performance.
When creating very large acrylic panels, the sheets are molecularly welded, creating a permanent and invisible join. Panels up to 12m long can be readily provided, with longer panels being available on request. Acrylic provides a clear optical view for any viewer with minimal colouring or distortion.
Acrylic has a transparency rating of 92% making it one of the clearest materials available, and much superior to glass. Acrylic is the preferred material for aquarium and viewing window applications. Heat transfer in acrylic is approximately 8 times less than glass. This allows acrylic to better conserve heat in retained fluids.Unlike glass, surface scratches may be polished out. Notches may also be filled where damage has occurred Acrylic can be shaped and curved to any required shape.
Acrylic can be cut, sawn, routed, drilled, sanded and polished after it has been fabricated. High quality cast acrylic is highly resistant to weathering, optical and mechanical degradation under long term exposure. There are no laminates to break down, which is a significant issue with laminated glass sheets. We can provide a fully integrated solution to meet your requirements: acrylic panel structural analysis and specifications, including reinforced concrete details.

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